The only starmaker character editor I know of for The Movies
CastingCouch is a tool made for Lionhead Studios game TheMovies. It gives you a greater degree of control over the strengths of your custom made stars. It allows you to set the stars attributes to their maximum value when they first become imported into the game.
The Movies Editor allows you to
- Modify Existing TM Resources
- Extract Mesh for External Editing
- Material Editing
- Editing Props
- Editing Sets
- Editing Costumes
- and more
With the PakPoker you can open and extract .PAK files.
You find these files in the "Program FilesLionhead Studios LtdThe MoviesDatapak" folder. Extract the .PAK files to edit TM files (for example ".ini" files). This Tool is very useful for modding Lionheads The Movies.
With the Costume Editor you can add new textures and meshes to existing costumes. Or you can make new costumes out of existing costume and accessorie meshes .
You can't build completly new costumes therefor you need a 3D programm like Blender
The FlmReaderZero make it possible for you to build new scenes for The Movies.
To work on scenes you have to extract the The Movies files.

Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License.
This is version 2.43 of Blender for using the older TheMovies import an export Python Scripts.
Reshoot is the alternative for PakPoker and is able to extract the files of "Stunts & Special Effects".
After installation you can use reshoot with the console.
For an overview of commands, type: reshoot -h
A Reshoot-Tutarial can be found here.
It is a very power and useful tool which allows you to transform your complete setdressing into just one single Prop, so you can use it on any set (not just the one where you saved the setdressing). It also helps to fix damaged meshes (that does not really work in every case but in a lot).
Es ist ein starkes und nützliches Programm, mit dem man sein komplettes abgespeichertes Setdressing in ein einziges Requisit umwandeln kann, das man dann auf jedem Set anwenden kann (und nicht nur auf dem, auf dem man sein Setdressing abgespeichert hat). Es ist ebenfalls hilfreich, defekte Meshes zu fixieren (das funktioniert zwar nicht immer 100 prozentig aber es hilft Einem schon weiter).
- Easily re-texture a set or prop
- Control Scrolling and Rotating Textures, Transparent Materials
- Adding/Changing Group Names (for usable props)
- Setting Anchor Names (for allowing special effects)
- Creating bone/weight information (for making costumes/accessories)
Blender Import/Export scripts with support for proper Shaders, Lightmaps, Shapes, Anchors, NeckConnect points, and many improvements in overall functionality.

Python in der Version 2.4.4
Bevor "blender v2.43" installiert wird oder auch bei anderen 3D Programmen, kann Python bei ÄLTEREN Betriebssystemen (XP etc.) oder bei 64 Bit Systemen/CPUs nötig sein.
To use these installers, the Windows system must support Microsoft Installer 2.0. Just save the installer file to your local machine and then run it to find out if your machine supports MSI.
Windows XP and later already have MSI; many older machines will already have MSI installed.
If your machine lacks Microsoft Installer, you'll have to download it freely from Microsoft for Windows 95, 98 and Me and for Windows NT 4.0 and 2000.
A bunch of programms to modify The Movies
This package contains:
-The Movies Editor (MED)
-The Movies Reshoot
-Flm Reader